Location: Vetenskapens hus, Storgatan 53, Luleå
A welcome meet-and-greet for early arrivals to Luleå. Enjoy canapés and drinks and meet your fellow delegates as some of our region’s leading figures welcome you to Demo North.
Lotta Finstorp, Governor of Norrbotten County
Nils-Olov Lindfors, Member of the Regional Executive Board
Carina Sammeli, Mayor of Luleå Municipality
Pär Weihed, Pro Vice-Chancellor Luleå University of Technology
Moderator: Mia Kleregård, Head of Transformation, Swedish Space Corporation
Registration and collection of your delegate badge for Demo North. Coffee and a light breakfast will be available.
Location: Skeppsbrogatan 17, Luleå
Official opening of Demo North Summit 2022
Moderator: Mia Kleregård, Head of Transformation, Swedish Space Corporation
Eva Hamilton, Chair of the board, Luleå University of Technology
Maria Persson Gulda, CTO of H2 Green Steel
Claes Nordmark, Mayor, Bodens municipality
Khashayar Farmanbar, Minister for Energy and Digital Development, The Government of Sweden
Katarina Borstedt, Director of growth of Northvolt
Stefan Gardefjord, CEO of Swedish Space Corporation
David Herrero Fuentes, COO of Grupo Fertiberia
Sweden’s most impactful “green industry” investors will come together to discuss the interplay between great ideas and the access to risk-willing capital to accelerate development in green industrial technologies.
Elisabet Jamal Bergström, Head of Sustainability at SEB Investment Management
Carl-Erik Lagercrantz, CEO of Vargas Holding
Lars Olof Nilsson, Partner, Evli Corporate Finance
Jens Hedar, Head of Client Relationship Management, Swedish Export Credit Corporation
Viktor Markelin, Head of Infrastructure & Project Finance,The Nordic Investment Bank
Mia Kleregård, Head of Transformation, Swedish Space Corporation
Viktoria Karsberg, Head of Corporate Identity and Group Communications, SSAB
Niklas Johansson, Senior Vice President Communication and Climate of LKAB
The host and moderator of Demo North wraps up the conference with final remarks.
Midsummer is when Swedes truly celebrate – it is perhaps the most cherished holiday in the Swedish calendar. And like most major holidays, Midsummer revolves around eating great food and spending time with friends and family. With some singing, dancing and a maypole thrown in! The Swedish Midsummer tradition dates back to the Middle Ages, and it was closely linked with magic and mystery. Today it is most closely linked with fresh potatoes, pickled herring, cured salmon, strawberries and the fiery beverage of aquavit.
This year Midsummer Eve falls on the 24th of June, so we want to take this opportunity to introduce you to this beloved tradition one week in advance.
The dinner is hosted by Meta, and together we’ll make sure that you get the taste of real Swedish Midsummer.
Coach trip from Kulturens Hus, Luleå to Gällivare, 240 km to the north. Breakfast will be served on board.
Location: Kunskapshuset, Postgatan, Gällivare
An official welcome and introduction to Gällivare municipality. Here you will be guided through the ground breaking Hybrit project, from the development of their demonstration plant in Gällivare to how Hybrit will create steel without emissions. You will also learn about Gällivare’s unique urban transformation.
Speakers include:
Birgitta Larsson, Mayor of the Executive Committee
Roger Hansson, CEO Business Region Gällivare
Alexander Kult, Special coordinator Gälliare Municipality
Rikard Mäki, Boliden Mineral AB, Project leader Autonomous Hauling System
Christer Ryman HYBRIT Development AB, Director Regulatory Affairs
Jan Lundgren, LKAB Vice President, Transformation Business Area Iron Ore
We continue our journey of discovery, heading 120km further north from Gällivare to the town of Kiruna.
The mine in Kiruna is the world's largest underground iron ore mine. We will venture into the heart of the mountain, descending 540 metres below ground to LKAB's Visitor Center. The actual mining takes place even deeper today, down to a level of 1365 meters.
Location: Marknadsvägen 63, Jukkasjärvi
A guide will show you the original and world famous Icehotel, a bucket list staple for every Arctic adventure. How this Swedish landmark is creatively redesigned and reborn each winter season is truly a treat to the senses.
Upon arrival at Icehotel you will be able to check in and make yourself comfortable before dinner.
Enjoy a fantastic dinner at the Icehotel. The dinner will be served in the warm restaurant, featuring tasty and high quality local produce from the surrounding area.
-08:00 From Scandic to the Esrange Space Centre
-08:00 From Icehotel to the Esrange Space Centre
During the site visit at Esrange, you will experience how space plays a critical role in our modern everyday lives, as for the sustainable development of our societies. You get to listen to Kiruna Municipality about the city’s unique transformation and its aim to become a hub for advanced space technologies. You will also hear Luleå University of Technology and the Institute for Space Physics with their cutting-edge research that plays an important part of the space ecosystem in Kiruna.
At the site, you will get the opportunity to visit Spaceport Esrange, the newest facility in its final steps of becoming the first place within the European mainland capable of launching satellites! The tour stops at the sounding rocket and balloon sites, as well as the two test facilities where two German partners test their next generation rocket technologies.
Lennart Poromaa, Head of Esrange Space Center,SSC
Gunnar Selberg, Mayor at Kiruna Municipality
Athanasia Toliou, Associate Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, Luleå University of Technology
Erika Kaufmann, Researcher, Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space
Engineering, Luleå University of Technology
Stas Barabash, professor at The Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF)
Nicol Latsia, PhD Student, Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space
Engineering, Luleå University of Technology
We share a final lunch together and wish each other a safe journey home.
You will be able to fly back home directly from Kiruna Airport or journey back to Luleå with us by coach. The expected arrival time back in Luleå is around 18:00.
Demo North Summit is founded and operated by Invest in Norrbotten partly as an activity in an EU project called “Hållbara Investeringar”. Invest in Norrbotten is the agency established to attract international investors and capital to the Norrbotten region, as well as helping local companies expand by finding the right overseas partners to assist their growth. We support companies planning to establish or expand business in our region. and with our wide network of local, regional and national business contacts, we ensure a smooth and swift investment process for your company. Naturally, all our services are free of charge and conducted with full confidentiality.
You can read more about us at www.investinnorrbotten.se
Frida Ekeström
Project Manager
+46 70 219 38 17
Malin Ekblom
Inward Investment Manager
+4670 777 78 49